Investigating the Effects of Bistatic SAR Phenomenology on Feature Extraction


The lack of openly-available bistatic imagery and analysis of the unique artefacts which occur within it is a significant barrier to developing automatic target recognition methods for such systems. This paper addresses these issues by presenting a simulation methodology for obtaining bistatic SAR imagery of ground vehicle targets and investigating the features that occur within this imagery. Several effects unique to the bistatic case are presented, and the performance degradation of a classifier at several bistatic angles is empirically demonstrated. A version of the final database will be publicly released to promote wider research into this challenge.

Apr 30, 2020 1:00 PM
Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center
5701 Marinelli Road, Rockville, Maryland 20852
Michael Woollard
PhD Student

My research interests include synthetic aperture radar, automatic target recognition and electronic warfare.